Today is LL's 5 Month Birthday -- 4 Month Low Down
Bedtime: between 6:30 and 7:00
Wake-Up: Usually around 6:30
Bottles: I just started to give LL a bottle for her 6 o'clock meal and her dream-feed meal at 9:00pm. For those bottles I mix part formula/ part breast milk. We're using the soy formula. Each of those bottles are 4-5 oz. equal parts formula/breast. I started doing this b/c 1.) my supply was really low in the late afternoon and 2.) I'm trying to get her used to the taste of formula. She WILL NOT drink it by itself.
She nurses/bottle about 6 times a day about 4 hours b/w each feeding 5-6am, 9-10, 1-2pm, 5-6, 9-10, 1-2am
She nurses/bottle about 6 times a day about 4 hours b/w each feeding 5-6am, 9-10, 1-2pm, 5-6, 9-10, 1-2am
Night Time: I read somewhere that at this age sleeping through the night was about 5-6 hours straight. LL has done that on occasion. But we are still very inconsistent with sleep at night. She'll have 2 great nights of sleeping...then BOOM....back up every 2 hours. Gotta love it. :)
Foods: She loves food! We stopped the rice cereal and are now just sticking with Prunes, Pears, Apples, Bananas. That may seem early, but the girl was literally grabbing at B and I's forks during dinner.
Developmental Milestones & Firsts: Rolling over both ways (she was just rolling from back to stomach but recently started rolling from her stomach to her back), eating, scoots around play mat, while on her stomach she pushes up with her forearms and stays there longer, plays & entertains herself longer.
Favorite Books: She LOVES books! Hello, Baby! By Mem Fox, Hooray For You By: Marianne Richmond , Goodnight Moon By: Margaret Wise Brown
Favorite Songs: Bryan and I both made up songs for her that we sing to her all the time. They're both name songs.
Favorite Books: She LOVES books! Hello, Baby! By Mem Fox, Hooray For You By: Marianne Richmond , Goodnight Moon By: Margaret Wise Brown
Favorite Songs: Bryan and I both made up songs for her that we sing to her all the time. They're both name songs.
Favorite Toys: Bright Starts Bounce-a-Bout, Sophie, Bright Starts Tug Tune Pig.
She loves any of those hanging toys that are normally clipped on to car seats, etc. Her fav is the pig. You can see it hanging on her Bounce-a-Bout below.
I'm feeling more confident about taking LL out and about. Before, I was having these strange visions of me dropping her or something totally irrational.
Believe it or not, I still feel like I'm recovering from having her...yes, I mean "down there". How come no one talks about how traumatizing that is?
What a great idea! I may have to incorporate something like this into my Blog for the little one! Love the bounce little guy will need something like that
ReplyDeleteIt took me FIVE MONTHS to recover down there! Very traumatic!! ha