Yesterday was LL's 7 Month Birthday --Here's Her 6 Month Low Down
Bedtime: between 7:00-7:30. We moved her time back to her original bedtime. We are so confused as parents. We are forever going back and forth and experimenting with poor LL. The bottom this point in the day, she is tired and needs to go to bed at 7:00!
Wake-Up: Anytime between 6:00am and 7:30. She is so all over the place. There has never been consistency to anything LL does.
Naps: For the most part, LL is still taking 4 naps. Depends on when she first gets up in the morning. But I can see how she is trying to transition down to 3 naps. Her first morning nap has become a long one...around 1 1/2 hours. Her last nap is around 3-3:30. I won't let her take another one after that.
**On a side note: We have been putting LL down in her crib while she is still awake for all naps and bedtime. We stand over her crib and pat her stomach and hum and she goes to sleep on her own.
Sometimes it easier than other days, but she's getting the idea. The goal is to just put her down and leave her to fall asleep solo. I'm so jealous of moms who can do this with their babes. We're hoping this will help with nighttime wakings and longer stretches of sleep.
Nursing: LL nurses about 2-3 times a day. One time in the 3am area and the other first time in the am.
Foods: LL JUST started eating 3 times a day. I was only giving her solids in the am and pm, but she's been looking at the high chair in the middle of the afternoon and whining.
New foods this month: potatoes, cherries, apricots, pineapple, puffs. I'm considering incorporating soy yogurt. Anyone else try this?
Night Time: This month of sleeping has been horrible. Back to square one with her. I have officially given up on trying to figure her sleeping out. She is back to waking up 45 min into her nighttime sleep and back up again around 11:30...sometime up at 1:30 or 3:00am or exactly 4:20 am and then up for the day between 6- 7:30. There is absolutely ZERO consistency to LL's sleep. Drives me bananas.
Developmental Milestones & Firsts: Still scooting and army crawling all over the place! We did buy her "cage" so that I would feel better about letting her crawl around without constantly looking at her. She likes it for the most part.
LL is almost sitting up...she's been practicing using her kickstand also known as her tripod stance. She's almost gotten all the way to sitting position, then she does a face plant into the ground. ouch.
LL also got her first tooth! Her lower right one came in about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We are anxiously waiting for the 2nd one to pop up. She's drooling and biting down on everything.
Favorite Toys:
Your little LL is just too cute! She looks so happy in all her pictures :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I feel ya on being tired ALL THE TIME. My little one doesn't go to sleep on her own yet, and will yell and scream unless we hold her to sleep. I know, we created this problem, but right now I don't have the energy to change it. Sigh.
I know I say this everytime - but, she is just SO precious!!! YAY for getting her first tooth (Addie has been teething for what I feel like has been months with nothing to show yet:))!! Happy 7 months, LL!!
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog, your daughte is adorable! I totally know how you feel on the sleeping thing. My daughter is about to be 5 months old and her sleeping is all over the place. Most days I feel so ran down and ragged. My oldest who is almost 2 was never like this, she started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old. I guess you cant get lucky with boy. But I hope it gets better soon, for both of us!
ReplyDeletenew follower
Girl I.FEEL.YOU. PB must be LL's internet brother! His night time sleep is all over the place too, and I have days of extreme exhaustion and then good days too. He has gotten so much better at naps and falling asleep on his own ( crib soother and stuffed animals helped with that) but he still wakes up usually at 3 and 5...LL is absolutely precious and dainty!
ReplyDeleteWe're working on the sleepy but awake thing too. I hope we both get some more sleep out of the technique.