Sunday, December 19, 2010

Puj Bath Seat

B and I bought the Puj Tub for LL and we're so glad we did. It's the perfect fit for our bathroom sink (no bending over the tub) and it unsnaps (with magnets) to unfold flat so you can store it flat. We actually just throw ours in the tub to dry after each use.
It has a hole at the bottom and two slits on the side so the water is draining constantly which is nice so the soapy water doesn't stay in the tub.  It's made with a medium-soft foam so it's comfortable for tiny tushes.

You can see the water draining at the bottom of this picture.
LL is almost 3 months and still fits nicely in the Puj. We'll do another update when she graduates to the big girl tub! I'm thinking of using one of these next!


  1. I was Sooooo tempted to buy the PUJ and now I wish I would have!! Does she still fit in it well?

  2. She'll be 5 months in a couple days and she does still fit in it. I'm thinking by the time she is sitting up by herself, we'll move on to the tub. I've really loved it!! By far the best baby product :)


Share some love....or maybe some advice because this first time mom could use it!

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