Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bike Riding!

8 Month 3 Weeks

We found a bike in the street last weekend with a sign on it that says..."FREE TO GOOD HOME".  We'll take it!  A Schwinn bike in great condition.  So, then we went searching on craislist for a bike seat for LL.

We found a Topeak Bike Seat in great condition.  Here's daddy putting the bike seat on while LL supervises.

I thought she would be scared, but she was excited to ride.

Then we had to find a helmet.  It's just a tad too big, but I'm sure she'll grow into it in no time.

We've been out riding as a family and it's so fun.  Daddy has been the only one riding with LL but I'd like to try so we can go out riding when he's at work.  For some reason I have this crazy idea that I'll fall with her.


  1. so cute
    thanks for all your help. what is your email address it didn't show up on the email.


Share some love....or maybe some advice because this first time mom could use it!

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