Friday, June 17, 2011

Guess What????

8 Months 4 Weeks

LL slept for 10 hours STRAIGHT last night.  Yes, you are looking at the sweet face of a girl who is well rested with 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep... in her crib... all by herself.

"Yep i did it, Momma!  Slept 10 hours straight in my own crib!"
We are in complete shock.  This is the first time she has slept the entire night.  I went in her room around 1:30 am to check on her and she was sound asleep with her head facing the opposite end of where we put her.  Who knows, she may have woken up and played a little in her crib, but she never cried out.  I'm still shaking my head.


  1. that's awesome! Keira slept 9 hours last night! 9pm - 6am

  2. That is wonderful news for mom and LL!, congrats.
    BTW Deborah just told me who you were! I had no idea you knew her or that we had a friend in common ! So awesome. We absolutely love and adore her!!

  3. I'm really jealous!!! Mine is almost 10 months and still doesn't sleep through the night. LUCKY you!!!


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