Thursday, January 20, 2011

UPDATE: Sleep Schedule at 3 Months

3 Months 4 Weeks

So it's been a couple weeks since I've starting Baby Sleeping Boot Camp.  I did not have LL on a day sleeping schedule but I did have her on somewhat of a night schedule...down with me for the night at 9:00pm.  She was really great at this routine up until month 3.  Her naps during the day were just whenever and wherever.  She slept mostly in the swing for hours at a time.

Well, after reading Baby Wise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (and some of Baby Whisperer) I got her on an eat, play, sleep routine.  I can't do the CIO.  I just don't have it in me.  I got a spiral notebook and am keeping a schedule of her whole day...the time she wakes up, times she eats, when she sleeps, how long she sleeps.  I also was determined to get her sleeping in her crib both day and night.  At night she was still next to me in her Rock N Play and during the day she was in the swing.
example of her daily schedule
During the day I look for sleep cues...the 7 mile stare and yawning.  By the 3rd yawn I scoop her up and tell her it's time for her nap, take her in her room, say, "let's turn off your let's close your blinds and when you wake up we can play again", I put her in her straight jacket, give her her pacifier and stand there rocking her gently and humming.  Now, this did not go very well at first...for me or her...I felt like a slave to the house and she couldn't understand why no more swing.  But by day 5, she was closing her eyes the moment I put her in the straight jacket and asleep by the time I was holding her. *huge sigh of relief*

LL's wake time is also very short...maybe 50 minutes in the morning and up to an 1 hour in the afternoon.  She takes about 4 naps a day sometimes 5 and they are short ones...about 30-45 minutes. So, this process was very time consuming and we didn't venture out much because I was always doing the nap routine.  But, I'm so glad I did it because it has really paid off.

Now, at night we have a routine down.  Boob, Bath, Book and Bed. Our goal is to have her in bed by 7:30pm.  I usually dream feed her around 9pm when I go to sleep.  She is still pretty inconsistent with times she wakes up at night and the time she wakes in the am, but at least I feel better about putting her on a schedule/routine and I honestly think she likes it too.  Stay tuned!

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