Wednesday, April 20, 2011

High Chair!

6 Months 4 Weeks
We finally bought a highchair for LL this past weekend.  The bouncy seat just wasn't cutting it anymore.  Besides, she needs to learn to eat sitting up.  And I want her to start practicing picking up her food.  We also introduced Puffs.

Speaking of Puffs, I have only heard of this finger food through other blogs.  I went to babies r us and found the ones below.  Are these the right ones?  They seem really too big  for her mouth.  I keep thinking she is going to choke on them.   I tried them and they do dissolve rather quickly, but I'm still a Nervous Nelly!

She loves her sippy cup!  At dinner, we've started putting her milk in her cup so we can all sit as a family at the table!

It's so fun to see her practice with the Puffs.  It's hard work getting those things in the mouth!

We settled on this Eddie Baur high chair.  I wasn't too concerned with the padding OR the reclining action of the other chairs.  Besides, this is the kind we all grew up in...except I think mine was a metal frame.


  1. Ohhhhh LL looks like such a big girl!! We have the same high chair!!

    And yes, those are the right puffs - we do the Happy Baby ones and in the beginning I was breaking them in half because I agree that they look so big (like the size of their little throats!) but I will say they dissolve very quickly!! :)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog, wanted to say hi, and became a follower! I'd love if you follow my blog too!!

    Your little one is too cute!! And funny you mention baby food...if you go back to my monday post, you'll see a fabulous baby food giveaway! You should come check it out :)

  3. LL is just sssoo cute!!! We break the puffs up for Addie but she hated them at first. She is slowly warming to the idea of them-however, she really liked the mum mums - they are easier for her to hold. The high chair is super cute - good choice:) Hope you guys are having a great week!!

  4. Great pics!! I buy the Target brand puffs ( strawberry apple) because they taste the best and are less hard than the other brands! Peebs has finally learned to feed them to himself so now i shall start giving him small pieces of real foods!


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