Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our First Case Of The Sickies

6 Months 2 Weeks

LL has been sick since Monday.  My guess is that it's a good ole fashion cold.  She woke up extra early Monday morning and was snorting and so grumpy.  It was the first time I got to use the Nose Frieda.  It initially worked the first few days, but now that the snot seems to be's harder to get out. 

Bryan had to leave town Monday morning for work so LL and I packed up and went to MeMe and PawPaw's house to stay for a few days.  I got ZERO sleep because LL was up every 2 hours.  It's so not her fault and she's so pathetic when she's sick.  We pulled out her Rock N Play again so she could sleep in an incline.  Seems to working.

We've also pulled out her Frog Humidifier that was gifted to us from Bryan's Uncle D and Aunt M.  It's like walking into a Rainforest when I walk into her room. 
On top of all of that....I got the sickies too.  Yuck.  Very sore throat and all over body ache.  Bryan got home last night, so I took my NyQuil and went to sleep early.  If you have any suggestions for relieving congestion for babies, please do tell.


  1. aaww - i'm so sorry to hear you guys are suffering through a yucky cold:( A friend at work has a 3 month old who had a similar thing - they did some sort of saline wash (I'm sure theres a more technical term) in her nose that did seem to help with the congestion although their little one hated it when they did it:( Hope you guys get better soon!

  2. Oh no! I hate that! Peebles seems to be getting sick again too as he is a SNOT factory right now. I left my Nose Frieda at home! He also gets pissed when I try to clean out his nose but I cant stand to listen to him struggle to breathe. I love those Crane humidifiers and they work wonders on congestion! you can also put vicks on their feet with socks on to help with congestion


Share some love....or maybe some advice because this first time mom could use it!

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