Thursday, April 28, 2011

So SICK of these articles!!!!!

7 Months 1 Week

Have you seen the May issue of American Baby?  Am I the only one that is SO SICK of these sleep articles???? It seems every month each baby magazine puts their own spin on these "sleep" articles. 

NUMBER 1: ALL babies sleep differently...YES, it's great to have a sleep routine but if your babes is programmed to wake up in the middle of the night.....THEY WILL WAKE UP NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!!!!!!!!!  At least, this has been my experience.

HAHAHAHA..........The 3-Step Solution You'll Thank Us For Tonight.  The only 3 step solution I'll be thanking you for tonight is...

Step 1: Put ice in a glass
Step 2: Pour whiskey and coke in glass
Step 3: Stir & Drink

The only thing I like about this article is this cuties PJ's....they are adorable!

I've been doing the bottle, bath, book and bed routine since LL was 3 months old!  She falls asleep's the staying asleep that has me going batty.

I have to say that we are in the middle of trying the last paragraph in this article (see below).  Its called the "Sleep Lady Shuffle".  It's where you sit by the crib and comfort baby before naptime, bedtime and during night wakings.  We already do this for naps and bedtime and she is falling asleep on her own.  But we plan to start it for the night wakings next week because that is when hubby and I will be in town for the next 3 weekends IN A ROW!!! It's supposed to work in 2 weeks.....we'll see!


  1. haha I feel ya! Babies are totally different, my 1st daughter slept through the night at 5 weeks on and my 2nd daughter is almost 5 months and has slept through the night twice!! No matter what I do she ALWAYS wakes up between 3-4! I'm feeling very sleep deprived, I want my full nights sleep back! You'll have to let me know how the Sleep Shuffle goes! I'll try anything to get her to go back to sleep and not think it's time to get up and play.

  2. I'm just annoyed that they run the same articles every month with a new title like it's all new information. And yes, just because something works for one baby, there is no guarantee it'll work for another.


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