Monday, May 16, 2011

Look, I'm Standing!

7 Months 3 Weeks

Look what I found this morning after Avery's first nap.  So glad we lowered her crib this weekend.  Not only did she surprise me by taking an hour and half nap but then I heard her squeal from her room and this is what I found!

The last 3 days she has not been napping more than 30 minutes at a time and she has been SO freakin crabby.  So, I was beyond glad to hear the squeal from the room which translates into "I'm in a great mood".  I just know her top teeth are coming in....please hurry up and come through!

Let's re-cap all the changes happening this month for LL:
1. teeth
2. pulling up/standing
3. sitting up--finally!
4. stopped nursing
5. magic sleepsuit gone
6. babbling--ma-ma-ma-ma da-da-da-da ba-ba-ba-ba
7. beginning to crawl--she can do this on the area rugs but still not on the hardwood floors

Poor wonder she's one big fuss-ball!


  1. LOVE that smile on her face in the first picture! She clearly knows she just did something awesome!

  2. Oh my - what a seriously busy month LL has had!!! I made my hubs lower the crib tonight after reading your post - I'm so petrified of Addie falling out of the crib!! The pics are ADORABLE:)

  3. WOW! She is doing all sorts of tricks! PB is starting some of this as well. With him being so big it is harder for him to move and pull up etc. He has been SUCH a pill lately and it has to do with teething the top teeth! Im about to do a tell all post about it!

  4. Shes been one busy girl! =)


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