Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day!

7 Months 2 Weeks

Wow!  What a great Mother's Day weekend. Bryan set up the air mattress in LL's room for the weekend.  Now, before you say "poor Bryan has to sleep on an air mattress"  check out our sweet air mattress we bought from Frontgate.

It looks like a normal bed, and is super comfortable.  Pumps up and deflates all by itself.  Fabulous.  Anyway, he set up camp in LL's room all weekend while momma got some MUCH needed rest.  It was the first time in 7 MONTHS that I slept uninterrupted all night...for 3 nights in a row.  The idea also behind this is to wean LL from night feedings and to help her fall back to sleep in her crib without picking her up.  For 2 nights in a row, LL did not eat during the night.  She did wake up around 12:30 and then again at 3:30, but both times Bryan was able to get her back down quickly.  YOU'RE THE MAN, DADDY!  We should have done this A LOT earlier in the game.

This weekend, we also celebrated Mother's Day down at our favorite Thai restaurant.  It was a beautiful day outside...cooler than any Mother's Day I can remember.  So, perfect day to be outside!

LL's has been a little grumpy due to her teeth, but nothing too terrible.  She calms right down when you pick her up.

We love Daddy!!  The best!

LL also got momma her favorite...chocolate!

It was a great first Mother's Day!


  1. sounds like you had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day!

  2. YAY!!! for a wonderful Mother's Day and some daddy magic. We too found that if my hubs went in to settle her she did much better - I swear she could smell me and knew that meant food!! Hope you have a great week:)


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