Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly Wrap -Up -- 5 Months 1 Week

SLEEPING:  She had  her shots Monday and everything has been off.  What has stayed consistent is her 1:45am wake up call.  Not the minute....every night this week. 

EATING: We added squash and carrots to the mix.  She LOVES squash and only just likes carrots.

PLAYING: This week, she played for longer periods on her play mat all by herself.  She did a lot of push-ups...

 ...and a lot of crunches.  Every time I put her down on her back, she immediately goes into a stomach crunch.  She wants to sit up so bad.

LL's new favorite toy is this Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Puppy that her Nonna gave her for Christmas.  It sings and talks to her when she pushes certain parts of it.

LL's new thing is staring out the door.  We live in a condo and the door she is staring out of backs up to a somewhat busy street.  She will lie there and stare outside for what seems like forever...but in reality... about 10 minutes.  Not sure if she likes the sound of the cars or just staring up at the trees.  Check her out below...just chillin in the bottom of the picture.

MOMMA'S MENTAL STATE: This week in general has been pretty stable.  But, last night was challenging so I'm feeling sleep deprived and very crabby.  It took almost 2 hours to get LL to sleep....very uncharacteristic of her...she normal goes right to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. just found your blog! our girls are close in age! cant wait to read more.


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