Monday, March 7, 2011

Sleepeasy Solution: Hopeful Help

5 Months 2 Weeks

I don't mind getting up to nurse LL in the middle of the night.  It would be nice, really nice, if she did sleep through the night.  But, I'm OK with getting fact I believe if I get a good solid 3 hours of sleep at the beginning of the night, then I feel rested the next day.  That's why B feeds her at 9-9:30pm and I go to sleep hopefully by 8-8:30.  Then, she gets up somewhere in the 1:00am area and then again around 4:00am.  What I would like to add is that she almost always wakes up 1 or 2 times prior to her 9:00pm dreamfeed...which drives me completely bananas!  Because then we are going in there to help her back to sleep.

What I would like LL to do is to be able to put herself to sleep for a naps and for bedtime.....all by herself.  Right now, we hold her or rock her to sleep.  And she usually falls asleep within 5-10 minutes.  I know this process requires cry-it-out in her crib so she can figure out how to soothe herself to sleep.  I have to admit, this makes me more than uneasy.  I just recently bought this book....

 The Sleepeasy Solution.  Has anyone else read this book??  It seems to have some solid advice for sleep training.  But again, I start to hyperventilate when I think of my babes crying for long periods of time.
This is where I need YOUR help.

1.)  Does your baby fall asleep on his/her own? 
2.)  If yes, how did you get that to happen?  Did you follow a certain book?  Technique?
3.)  How long did it take for your baby to learn to soothe themselves?  Days? weeks?
4.)  How old was your baby when you started this sleep-training?

Any help or advice would really be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. PB is really good at falling asleep on his own, its the staying asleep that is a problem for us. I gout him to enjoy his crib time without crying by giving him the stuffed animals and buying a crib soother. That thing has been awesome. It turns itself off after 20 mins or so and he has usually fallen asleep by then. However, since teething he has been all over the place with sleep and he just had to cry a little. I hate the crying too , and can only do it when I am exhausted amd my husband is here holding me back!


Share some love....or maybe some advice because this first time mom could use it!

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