Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LL's Baptism

6 Months 1 Week

We had a great weekend celebrating LL's Baptism. The weather was perfect and the day was too! LL didn't cry when Reverend McIntyre took her from me (I didn't expect her to as she LOOVES people) and she even did her cute little scream/squeal with both arms out trying to hug people in the congregation. What a ham.

After, we all went to the Terrace Hotel for some yummy lunch.  It's such a beautiful hotel.

Here are Bryan's cousins.
Below are a few of my nieces and nephews. 
LL's cake was an Italian Wedding was beautiful and quite tasty!

My sister and her daughter Hannah.  LL was pooped!

*******Last night was HARD. Not sure why, but LL was up every 3 hours! Each time, I tried to rock her back to sleep but she wasn't having it. She was hungry! The only thing I can think it may be is a growth spurt because she sucked down 2 full bottles and the boob on top of that!!!  I thought we had moved on from  those late night feedings and up every few hours....but it's a reminder that she's still calling the shots...still in charge of this show.  But pretty soon, momma and daddy will be calling those shots!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures from her baptism are beautiful!! I find that my little one seems to eat A LOT more and is very restless during her growth spurts - i hope LL gets back on her regular schedule soon so you guys can get get some shut eye:)


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